Innovate Your Workplace for Success
Jazz exemplifies leadership mastery, ensemble coherence and group flow. Anchored in a whole-brain approach that drives adaptability, a purpose-driven mindset, and values-based outcomes, the Jazz Leadership Project (JLP) is a premium model for innovation and leadership excellence.
Through individual, team, and cultural values assessments, plus jazz methodology and expert facilitation, JLP expands personal and group maturity within organizational culture.
JLP workshops, online or in-person, provide participants with tools to optimize leadership capacity and accelerate team development for heightened workplace engagement and achievement.
With a combined 40+ years of leadership experience, culture facilitators Greg Thomas and Jewel Kinch-Thomas bring a soulful, energetic learning experience for wise improvisation in today’s VUCA environment.
A creative, innovative model for leadership and team development for 21st century high-performance, JLP will help you:
Build a Powerful Team Culture
Approach Conflict as Opportunity
Strengthen Leadership Maturity
Enhance Communication Skills
Embrace Diversity & Integrate Inclusion

21st century leadership aligns individual, team, and organizational development, activating high-performance results in a fast-changing, complex...

& Team FLOW
The Jazz Leadership Project supports extraordinary leadership development and team performance to achieve your mission, vision, and values...
"The model for management that we have right now is the opera... What we are increasingly talking about today are diversified groups that have to write the score while they perform. What you need now is a good jazz group."
Peter Drucker
Founder of Modern Management
At the JLP workshop, the metaphor of Jazz was an effective vehicle for demonstrating how everyone has shared ownership of a project as well as individual ownership of projects. For example, we considered: How does antagonistic cooperation help us make each other better?
David Hubbard
VP & Deputy General Counsel
I believe that JLP's method and use of jazz as an analogy, a metaphor, a technique for working together is broadly applicable to any type of leadership role where the success of the organization is dependent on effective teamwork.
Duane Hughes
former Managing Director
JPMorgan Chase